kalimat dengan tenses-tenses

1. Present tense
    Indra go to the campus by car
2. Present continous tense
    I am eating a burger at the mall
3. Present perfect tense   
    I have not lived in Jakarta since 2004
4. Present perfect tense
    Peni has not eaten lunch
5. Past tense
   When did they go to Bali?
6. Past continous tense 
   They were playing football on the ground when I came
7. Past perfect tense
    I had gone when Sandy arrived at my home
8. Past perfect continous tense
    Fandy and Ranie had been loving each other

Manfaat Daun Kemangi...

Kemangi, daun beraroma khas yang biasa kita temui di meja makan ini konon pernah memenuhi kebun dan taman kerajaan Prancis dan Italia. Bunga kemangi juga dipilih sebagai tanda cinta. Kini, kemangi lebih banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai lalapan segar, ditambahkan untuk penambah aroma masakan, yang dipercaya berkhasiat mengurangi bau badan.

Kemangi kaya akan betakaroten dan magnesium, mineral penting yang berfungsi menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan jantung. Aroma wangi daun kemangi memang mengundang selera makan. Wajar saja jika orang mengkonsumsi daun ini sebagai lalapan mentah, campuran pepes, karedok atau terancam. Selain melezatkan hidangan, berikut manfaat daun kemangi lainnya:

1. Daun kemangi mengandung senyawa arginine yang terbukti mampu memperkuat masa hidup sperma dan mencegah kemandulan.

2. Daun kemangi juga mengandung zat yang mampu merangsang terbentuknya hormon androgen dan estrogen.

3. Zat flavonoid seperti orientin dan vicenin di dalam kemangi mampu melindungi struktur sel tubuh. Sedangkan flavonoid seperti cineole, myrcene dan eugenol mempunyai manfaat sebagai antibiotik alami dan anti peradangan.

4. Getah kemangi dapat digunakan sebagai obat sariawan dan sakit telinga.

5. Daun kemangi dapat dikonsumsi untuk memperbanyak ASI, penenang, mengobati encok dan penurun panas.

6. Daun kemangi juga dapat meningkatkan jumlah air seni, menghilangkan masuk angin dan peluruh dahak.

7. Konsumsi daun tanaman ini juga dapat mengatasi masalah bau mulut dan bau badan.

8. Asam aspartat, apigenin, arginin dan boron dalam tanaman ini juga sudah diketahui khasiatnya. Senyawa sineol berkhasiat sebagai penenang, membantu mengatasi ejakulasi dini, merangsang aktivitas saraf pusat dan melebarkan pembuluh darah kapiler.

Sumber :  http://www.forumbebas.com/thread-61139.html

Berikut ada beberapa manfaat green tea yang perlu Anda ketahui:

1. Menjaga kesehatan kulit
Teh hijau dapat berperan sebagai tabir surya dan pelembab bagi kulit. Selain itu, teh hijau juga bisa meredakan pembengkakan dan rasa gatal yang timbul akibat luka.

2. Membantu membakar lemak
Teh hijau dapat mempercepat pembakaran kalori sehingga tubuh pun jadi tetap langsing.

3. Mencegah penyakit jantung
Pembekuan thrombosis yang abnormal dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung dan stroke, dan teh hijau terbukti mencegah pembekuan lebih efektif.

4. Membantu menurunkan tekanan darah
Obat hipertensi dikenal sebagai ACE inhibitor. Teh hijau merupakan inhibitor ACE alami, dan penelitian membuktikan tekanan darah tinggi menurun setelah diberi teh hijau secara ekstra.

5. Membantu melindungi tubuh dari diabetes dan kanker
Polifenol dari teh hijau menghalangi amilase sehingga membantu menurunkan tingkat gula darah dan sekaligus polifenol merupakan antioksidan yang ampuh untuk mencegah kanker.

6. Mencegah terjadinya keracunan makanan
Teh hijau dikenal sebagai pembunuh bakteri. Minum teh hijau dapat menurunkan resiko keracunan akibat bakteri.

7. Mencegah bau mulut
Minum teh hijau dapat membantu membunuh bakteri di mulut penyebab bau mulut.

8. Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
Dari penelitian, berkumur teh hijau dapat meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap influenza dan flu. Zat kimiawi teh hijau juga dapat merangsang sel gammadelta T yang mendukung kekebalan terhadap bakteri dan virus.

Sumber : http://www.wonosari.com/medis-f6/khasiat-green-tea-t4714.htm

Making a choice for a schools

What is the right school for my child? A lot of parents are struggling with this question and as educator and parent I have experienced that parents tend to keep on assessing schools and bringing up this issue. Thus, an interesting topic to discuss!
We all agree that the choice of a school is important. Everyone is looking for good quality schools for the best price. Harder is it to answer the question: What is good quality? If we examine this question, everyone will come up with a different answer.
For some, quality is found in the academic achievement of a school, for others it is the school's facilities and then there are parents who say that a school is a good school when the communication between school and parents is effective and responsive. I think it is safe to conclude that all of these aspects (and more) are important indicators for good quality. Nevertheless, agreeing on what is quality is tough.
Consequently, when defining quality is hard, how do parents choose a school? Research on school choice is extensive and shows that most parents choose a school because it is located near to home.
Other aspects that are mentioned are, for example: the curriculum of the school and factors as Is the curriculum self built by the school or is it part of a bigger network?, Is the curriculum/school accredited by an independent organization?, etcetera. Especially, this last question gives important information on the results of the school in relation to other schools. This is a more or less independent and abstract quality measurement.
Strangely overseen is the fact that a school is a learning institute. In other words, the product of a school is the learning that is taking place within the classroom and the school.
Most researchers agree that learning in schools should get a holistic approach. Which means that learning is not only about knowledge, but also about applying that knowledge and combining knowledge and skills to understand processes and developments in the world outside school. Only focusing on knowledge (academics) is selling your child short. Especially in the hi-tech world we are living in today, where the amount of knowledge is extensive and a lot of it is fluid. Accordingly, combining knowledge and skills to gain understanding are all three equally important elements of the learning triangle.
Subsequently, research demonstrates that, as the result of upbringing, heredity and environmental differences, people preferentially take in and process information in different ways.
There is also the idea that people use different intelligences to learn new and consolidate old information (refer to Howard Garner and others). Thus, we can conclude that every person learns and develops her or his talents and skills differently. It is evident that a school, being a learning institute, should accommodate these differences to their school population.
Having a complex process as learning as the core business results in lots of different schools and learning-cultures. Parents having to choose a school are therefore facing a challenge. Recommended is to look for the best match between the child and the school's learning culture.
Some questions that might help to find out if the school is the best match are: Can I see evidence of learning taking place in the school?, What is the learning approach of the school? and How does the school find out the specific learning needs and learning styles of my child?

Children are resilient and most will adapt to their school environment cheerfully, and being happy is an important ground for learning! Nevertheless, as a parent it is also important to look beyond that joy and choose a school that understands the holistic concept of learning in relation to your child's specific learning.
-The writer has a PhD in Educational Sciences and works at Partners in Educational Development, Jakarta. She can be reached at: educational.development@hotmail.com
